Gastroblues Festival

In the middle of Hungary in Paks -, a city on the bank of Danube river, the citizens, the leaders and the promoters of the events would like to invite for concerts, cooking competitions, and representation of Hungarian national neals and drinks the fans of BLUES, JAZZ, ROCK, GASTRONOMY, as well the WINE-LOVERS, to meet together, to represent our knowledge, and to pet our ears and stomachs in cheery spirit.

International Gastroblues Festival, fish soup, local wines, traditions, narrow streets, new housing estates and public buildings, the atomic power plant, and the all-important Danube with its Embankment and banks are the components that make up today's Paks. This town, nice and interesting, is worth visiting, and the time spent here will enrich the visitor.



Organizer: Gárdai György    
Accomodation: Balogh Pálné, Pannika 20/396-4180
Cooking competition: Németh Irén 20/968-4508
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